On December 10, 2010, WSDOT determined Seattle Tunnel Partners was the successful bidder for the Highway 99 tunnel (Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement) project. Seattle Tunnel Partners Offered to do the project for an amount slightly higher than Seattle Tunneling Group (the second bidder). Seattle Tunnel Partners earned almost twice as many bonus points based on its schedule (to open the tunnel in December 2015, rather than 2016 as anticipated by WSDOT) and a design which envisions a larger boring machine which allows an 8-foot shoulder in each direction, rather than the 6-foot shoulder shown in the WSDOT design concepts. Seattle firms Frank Collucio Construction and Mowat Construction are members of the winning team, along with Dragados USA, a Spanish contractor with offices in New York, HNTB (Bellevue office) and Tutor-Perini Corp. of Sylmar, CA. Dragados-USA recently completed a 50-foot wide highway in Madrid Spain.