The City of Seattle will be publishing a new edition of its Construction Standards (Plans and Specifications) early next year in 2011. The Construction Standards apply whenever any public or private construction is performed in the City’s right of way and are the primary contract documents for public works (construction) contracts. The draft specifications can be found at The previous Construction Standards (2008) are set forth in the attached pdf.
Not unexpectedly, the City of Seattle has been following the trend of many public works owners through out the state of Washington in transferring more risk to the contractor and away from the public works owner. The City of Seattle is providing contractors an opportunity to comment on these changes and contractors are encouraged to voice their opinions as to the efficacy of these revisions. Shifting risk to the contractor, though expedient in the short run, has the effect of raising prices to the tax paying public. Now is the opportunity to comment, exercise your right to provide input to the City’s future specifications.
The Utility Contractors of Washington (UCAW) and the Associated General Contractors of Washington (AGC) have established a work group and your input and comments are welcome, please direct them to either John P. Ahlers ( or Mike Myette at the UCAW (